The “Passage Set”

Often, when customers say they want a “passage set” they really want a cylindrical lock that actually locks.  This is because they don’t know (and often don’t want to know) cylindrical lock functions.   Therefore, the next question I ask is often, “How do you want this ‘passage set’ to work?”

Of course, “passage set” is the name of a cylindrical lock function.  The function of a passage set is that the latch can always be retracted by turning either handle.  It always latches but is never locked.   So when customers order a passage set with an electric strike, I am doubly suspicious.  Do they really want a passage set with that electric strike?

Passage sets are used in non-locking applications like corridors, closets and some offices, and in non-locking fire rated doors to meet the positive latching requirement for fire rated openings.

Therefore, if you want to sound intelligent as you order your cylindrical locksets, don’t call them passage sets unless they are.  Thank you.